Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tiger Critics TV Show

To kick things off, I want to talk about a project that is currently under consideration for future Tiger TV programming. Last year, the Newswave program added a five minute segment called Tiger Critics of which I was a co-host. Tiger Critics was basically a Ebert and Roeper style segment where my co-host and I would review films currently in theaters and give our honest opinions of them. Would usually rate the film on a scale of one to five which we called the Tiger Paw Scale (a typical rating would be three paws out of five). Anyways, the show was a great success and the Tiger TV board is currently considering turning Tiger critics into a 30 minute show. Due to the time increase it is also our intention to join forces with the two hosts of the film segment of The Not So Late Show, a variety show which also runs on Tiger TV. As of now, we do not have a dedicated time slot or a finalized list of content but we plan on filming a pilot show within the next month so I will be sure to keep readers of this blog informed. Here is a preliminary list of some of the content we would like to include in our show. We would start off the show with our original film review segment. Due to the fact that we now have four hosts, the roles would alternate. Following this segment we would move into what we call the Tiger Top Five where we list out top five films in a particular genre. The next segment is our DVD recommendation section where we review a film from our ever-growing collection.

    Photo by Andrew Rieger

Finally, we will wrap up the show with a roundtable discussion. The topics we will discuss will be related to the film industry but we have yet to determine what these topics will be. In the next couple of weeks, we will have a better idea of our schedule and our content but at this point, our show is simply an idea in our head. Wish us luck.

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